
Who originally sang white lightning
Who originally sang white lightning

If we picture a chemistry lab, the distillation apparatus is the one where the science lady with half her face covered by huge goggles has a Bunsen burner going under a big glass container of colored liquid, causing the liquid to evaporate into steam which travels through coiled tubes, more glass containers, and more tubes… Until a few, tiny drops of liquid come out of a spout at the end of the chain. That’s “still” as in “distilled spirits,” which is what you want to make and how you want to make it.

who originally sang white lightning

However long it takes the mash to get funky, you should use this time to build a still. Depending on the time of year and temperature, mash may take as long as a month to work off but you’ll want to start checking it after about a week to make sure the taste is bitter, indicating you’re headed toward a run of good moonshine. Once it’s cooled down enough, pour this mixture into barrels and leave it to ferment (or “work”) itself into a sour mash. Remove the water from the heat and stir in your malt.

who originally sang white lightning

After you get the trash can in there, you level off the top of the mound so it works as a stovetop, then build a fire in your new furnace and heat up a bunch of water until you see it just start thinking about boiling. Until then, you’re looking for a decent-sized mound of earth so you can dig out one side and, using clay, pack a big metal trash can in there to make a furnace. Once you’ve done a few runs in a new spot without any trouble from government agents or passers-by, maybe you’ll set up a more permanent operation. But most people who’ve made moonshine in the United States spent at least a week breaking the law in a pretty conspicuous way to do it, so let’s assume we’re out in the hills, somewhere far away from modern civilization, near a natural source of pure spring water. Now, the foremost authority on moonshine would have to be Popcorn Sutton, who always said if you’re trying to make good liquor then you can’t use city water at any stage of the process because of all the chemicals in it. That’s a mixture of grains (usually some combination of corn, barley and/or rye) sprouted in water then laid out to dry, halting germination at the point where enough of the grains’ starches have converted to the sugar needed to fuel fermentation in the next step. Speaking hypothetically, here’s one way to make moonshine. Birth of a Legend: The Complete Starday and Mercury Recordings

Who originally sang white lightning